Saturday, August 8, 2015

Live Above The Influence

Live Above The Influence. I pledge not to smoke, drink while driving, text and drive or have sex in tell I am married! What do yo pledge?
Smoking is bad for you and your Health. My grandma quit so can you or do not start at all. Smoking is not attractive & it can cause cancer. Smoking kills😖😰 You do not need to smoke to make friends or to be cool.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sign Language

Sign language is very helpful. It helps Communicate with death people and people that can't talk. I have a friend in school that did sign language. And he taught me a little bit. Learning sign language is fun especially when you have a friend that you can talk to with it. But if you ask me I only know how to do the ABC's & 123's.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Death Is What You Make Of It

When you lose someone close to you it's hard. Sometimes you just feel like dying yourself. But you hold on for the ones that are still living. Or like me I hold it in to let the another family member grieve when other family member is closer to that person. Grieving is the hardest thing. But life Is what you make of it. And letting your grief out is better than holding it in. I learned that the hard way. And being depressed is not the way to go. So my way go spend as much time as you can with your family because you do not know when you can lose them.